viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2016


For that I like Hacking ?

For I am a sociopata narcissistic highly functional, which likes to have control over the secrets of the other.

My weapon is the mouse, the network my religion.  The power to control your computer: my satisfaction ....
I am not interested in what prejudices, I want to where llegarias no one more to know.
I understand things, with no regard for you, I love to find patterns within traffic packets captured.  Reaching up where nobody but has come.
I like tenderte traps, play with your intelligence as if you were a trained ape, great, because you click that ....
I am fun to analyze your predictable acts, which music you like, which is your favorite singer, your preferred color, the password is RedBonJovi
I am the man in the middle, my name is byte, Mega - byte.
Raul M. Robles
As he learned Hacking ?

Many people is my question, some believe in the University, or in the masters, but in reality of education professor only learned reasoning, matematicas and very little Informatica  O  Systems .  At the start of the first semester 5 subjects have matematicas and physical, and only 1 of entities that are.

I had no computer teachers, I was curious to learn and self-study.  Now step forums or groups of Facebook and I see people asking that is FAT32 or is a Bitcoin ?  And I wonder if really never learned to use a finder or just do for living.
I think what helped me most is that I have always been a uncontrollable character, and in all forums spenders, cyruxnet, elhacker, hackxcrack, neosecurityteam, underground, etc was always  Baneado, and I never ask for help directly, as it would observe that "Megabyte" seek help in a forum, if the states know  All .
Having closed doors in the Spanish-speaking communities at least actively, I helped to search other means, forums gringos, Russians, and brazileños, and especially to test myself,  I think I always based on the phrase that says "Fake it, until you make it" 15 years start in this, not wise many things, however my attitude always was wonky, if something is not wise,  What  Investigating .
My easy to learn always had been one of my gifts, memory fotografica, capable of understanding complex process first.
What more I call the attention was a day that was lammer floodeando chat burundis, when another lammer told me he was going to take control of my mouse, and moveria remotely.  Obviously it did not, but that was the straw that derramo the glass, that was what made me investigate whether that feat was possible or just a story.
My first meeting with the Trojan: Netbus, DeepThroat, Evil Witch, SubSeven, Back Oriffice, I remember that when you download --Last in .zip format and not wise as open (then Windows  Decompressor files) had not
It wise to use Outlook to send emails, as well as decided to contact the owner of the gringo page where you download the Trojans,, and which was my surprise that I answered a few  Hours saying prove with "Winzip"
Aprendi to find the information needed in Google, learned to enter usenet and their news groups, I create my own page in Geocities where I proclaimed as Hacker.  And from there empeze to find ways to attack other Security pages, or Hackers who were fashion, or with many visits, I was against all forums where I hated, and with success  Achieve defacearlos, hatred  Increment .
There are people here day after 15 years are still annoyed by these actions that realize when he was a teenager.
But in the end, new generations say, investigate on their own, do tests, they are not going to learn from books, until you practice.
And if you don't have the ingenuity, curiosity, the evil by it as well, podras to use 1000 tools and 1000 techniques, but never podras to stress, this is you or not, nobody you can  Teach .
Raul M. Robles
 H Top 100 Defacers 1999-2003

2 comentarios:

  1. POR FAVOR LEA !! Hola chicos !!! Soy Caro, vivo en Ohio, EE. UU. Tengo 32 años, estoy muy feliz de haber recibido mi tarjeta de cajero automático en blanco de Adriano. Mi tarjeta de cajero automático en blanco puede retirar $ 4,000 por día. Lo obtuve de Él la semana pasada y ahora he retirado alrededor de $ 10,000 gratis. El cajero automático en blanco retira dinero de cualquier cajero automático y no tiene nombre porque está en blanco, solo su PIN estará en él, no se puede rastrear y ahora tengo dinero para negocios, compras y suficiente dinero para mí y mi familia. vivo. Estoy muy contento y feliz de haber conocido a Adriano porque conocí a cinco personas antes que él y no pudieron ayudarme. Pero estoy feliz ahora que Adriano envió la tarjeta a través de DHL y la recibí en dos días. Obtenga su propia tarjeta de él en este momento, la está dando por una pequeña tarifa para ayudar a las personas, incluso si es ilegal, pero ayuda mucho y nadie es atrapado o rastreado. Estoy feliz y agradecido con Adriano porque cambió mi historia de repente. La tarjeta funciona en todos los países. Es una buena noticia. La dirección de correo electrónico de Adriano es

  2. My wife was putting up some attitude and acting strange,and we have been married for eight years,I explained my problems to my friend and he recommended,I sent him a mail explaining my situation to him and he helped me hack into her phone,He sent me a WhatsApp conversation between my wife and her concubine which she told him everything about me and our marriage and he also recorded a call conversation between she and her concubine talking about how they were going to kill me and take my money and properties,I took this to court and I won the case,they were locked up in prison all thanks to this hacker who saved my life through his hacking experience,every dollar I spent on this job was worth it,message him and he will help you with your problems.
