lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2016




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sábado, 5 de noviembre de 2016

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viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2016


For that I like Hacking ?

For I am a sociopata narcissistic highly functional, which likes to have control over the secrets of the other.

My weapon is the mouse, the network my religion.  The power to control your computer: my satisfaction ....
I am not interested in what prejudices, I want to where llegarias no one more to know.
I understand things, with no regard for you, I love to find patterns within traffic packets captured.  Reaching up where nobody but has come.
I like tenderte traps, play with your intelligence as if you were a trained ape, great, because you click that ....
I am fun to analyze your predictable acts, which music you like, which is your favorite singer, your preferred color, the password is RedBonJovi
I am the man in the middle, my name is byte, Mega - byte.
Raul M. Robles
As he learned Hacking ?

Many people is my question, some believe in the University, or in the masters, but in reality of education professor only learned reasoning, matematicas and very little Informatica  O  Systems .  At the start of the first semester 5 subjects have matematicas and physical, and only 1 of entities that are.

I had no computer teachers, I was curious to learn and self-study.  Now step forums or groups of Facebook and I see people asking that is FAT32 or is a Bitcoin ?  And I wonder if really never learned to use a finder or just do for living.
I think what helped me most is that I have always been a uncontrollable character, and in all forums spenders, cyruxnet, elhacker, hackxcrack, neosecurityteam, underground, etc was always  Baneado, and I never ask for help directly, as it would observe that "Megabyte" seek help in a forum, if the states know  All .
Having closed doors in the Spanish-speaking communities at least actively, I helped to search other means, forums gringos, Russians, and brazileños, and especially to test myself,  I think I always based on the phrase that says "Fake it, until you make it" 15 years start in this, not wise many things, however my attitude always was wonky, if something is not wise,  What  Investigating .
My easy to learn always had been one of my gifts, memory fotografica, capable of understanding complex process first.
What more I call the attention was a day that was lammer floodeando chat burundis, when another lammer told me he was going to take control of my mouse, and moveria remotely.  Obviously it did not, but that was the straw that derramo the glass, that was what made me investigate whether that feat was possible or just a story.
My first meeting with the Trojan: Netbus, DeepThroat, Evil Witch, SubSeven, Back Oriffice, I remember that when you download --Last in .zip format and not wise as open (then Windows  Decompressor files) had not
It wise to use Outlook to send emails, as well as decided to contact the owner of the gringo page where you download the Trojans,, and which was my surprise that I answered a few  Hours saying prove with "Winzip"
Aprendi to find the information needed in Google, learned to enter usenet and their news groups, I create my own page in Geocities where I proclaimed as Hacker.  And from there empeze to find ways to attack other Security pages, or Hackers who were fashion, or with many visits, I was against all forums where I hated, and with success  Achieve defacearlos, hatred  Increment .
There are people here day after 15 years are still annoyed by these actions that realize when he was a teenager.
But in the end, new generations say, investigate on their own, do tests, they are not going to learn from books, until you practice.
And if you don't have the ingenuity, curiosity, the evil by it as well, podras to use 1000 tools and 1000 techniques, but never podras to stress, this is you or not, nobody you can  Teach .
Raul M. Robles
 H Top 100 Defacers 1999-2003

jueves, 14 de julio de 2016

I hate Indian people SOME opinions about Indian People

1) Dirtiest People in the dirtiest nation. If there was a ranking of dirtiest nations, India would take spots from 1 to 10. Visit the nation for proof. Enough said.
2) Most Bureaucratic Nation and also one of the most corrupt.
Try starting up any Businesses there. Good luck with all the bribes you will have to pay and the zillions amount of paperwork to be filled out to get even the simplest permit. Their 'officials' are barely literate and are incapable of even correctly filling out the forms that they themselves mandate. From education to government jobs, nothing is based on genuine merit and achievement but on nepotism and paying bribes.
3) Idiotic people. Low intelligence. Out of a billion people at the most 10, 000 are actually intelligent. These are the ones who make headlines around the world and convey the wrong impression that the rest of the country harbors geniuses. The education system is designed for rote learning. Most of the so called educated cannot come up with an original thought.
No intelligent innovation from this country. The art work is stunted as are the most of their artists.
Their scientists are for the most part not creating anything outstanding. Just holding academic positions for namesake. Even their Space Research Organization is still behind the 60's achievements of the Russians, despite importing all their knowledge and equipment from those Commies.
Their so called 'Intellectuals' are mostly hardcore leftist. Not a surprise because that is what those in the West, who are referred to with the same title, also tend to be. Although it is disastrous enough to be affected by Marxists thinking, what makes it worse is that Indian Intellectuals are actually pathetic mimickers of their Western counterparts. Nothing new in their thoughts to set them apart.
And their movies. Bollywood. Case closed.

Cunning, Scheming, Selfish, Arrogant, Dishonest, Thieving, Shirkers, Herd Mentality, Discriminatory, Rude and Impolite. Which group of people in the world can be described so perfectly with these adjectives except the Indians? I am from the northeast India living in the capital since 1983 and since junior level school days in 1975. I live among them for decades and have seen them at close angles for decades. I know them more than they know themselves. They think too much of themselves without realizing how dumb and dishonest they are. They are immoral in unprinciple group of people whose habit is to lick the boots of people whom they look up to and kick anyone who cannot fight them back. That is the reason why Kashmir, northeast India and tribal states in central India are muffled and murdered silently. Indians are the most beastly people on earth and they will receive their reward from the universal principle of justice. Neither Modi nor Rahul can save them or their make-believe economic growth can save them. It is only a matter of time. Western Imperialism/ colonialism are hated as an economic system at a very broad level. The wretchedness of Indians pertains to their horrendous individual traits and characteristics. They are the silent killers of the world. Only China can teach them a lesson of life for the second time.

They only think of themselves and are inconsiderate to the others around them. Whatever they do is acceptable and whatever the others do isn't. They also have a sense of superiority over everyone for some odd reason. I shouldn't be making judgements from a few minor groups of people but I seriously have to say, that I hate Indians with a strong passion.


Demanding, corrupt, selfish, rude, smelly, conniving, dishonest, sexist, racist, think too highly of themselves. Outright discriminating in all possible ways.
I honestly do not understand why so many Indians think that their English is good. I mean, your accent is bad and difficult to understand and you say that my English is bad?
So many horrible ones come to my country every single day and act like they are the bosses and we owe them our lives. The best thing is they are always saying that things are better in India. Well, things will be better here without you guys!

Indians over confident and idiots nothing of their own just copying west..from bed time stories to bollywood movies everything copied, they even don speak their own native language to their children... How any one so ashamed of their own, can be called good


For about 4 years now, I have been working as a receptionist at an apartment service where most of the inhabitants (and I mean almost without exception) are IT consultants from India. I have during this time come to hate this people whole-heartedly.
They are stupid, refuse/are unable to think for themselves, lie constantly, steal stuff from the rooms, never listen or follow the hotel rules, look down on me because I am a woman, ruin their rooms with their disgusting cooking (you can't imagine how often we need to renovate the apartments) and they are INCREDIBLY stingy and will never pay for anything without a fight, doesn't matter if it's just a phone call for like 50 cents.
They can't raise their children either, the little bastards scream and run around everywhere and don't care if I tell them to calm down in the hotel lobby. It never helps if I talk to the parents either (big surprise right? ), they will just say "yes yes" and then history will repeat itself the next day.
I don't feel like a hotel receptionist, I feel like a preschool teacher surrounded by over 100 retarded adult babies.

Indians make me wanna puke. I can t even list all the bad things about them, I can write a whole book, rude, impolite. They have no respect for human beings.
And yeah you will live the worst experience of your life if you work for an indian employer or they are the supervisor you report to.

I hate people from India ... Companies ruined or almost ruined by imported Indian labor

Companies ruined or almost ruined by imported Indian labor

Adaptec - Indian CEO Subramanian Sundaresh fired.
AIG (signed outsourcing deal in 2007 in Europe with Accenture Indian frauds, collapsed in 2009)
AirBus (Qantas plane plunged 650 feet injuring passengers when its computer system written by India disengaged the auto-pilot).
Apple - R&D CLOSED in India in 2006.
Australia's National Australia Bank (Outsourced jobs to India in 2007, nationwide ATM and account failure in late 2010).
Bell Labs (Arun Netravalli took over, closed, turned into a shopping mall)
Boeing Dreamliner ES software (written by HCL, banned by FAA)
Bristol-Myers-Squibb (Trade Secrets and documents stolen in U.S. by Indian national guest worker)
Caymas - Startup run by Indian CEO, French director of dev, Chinese tech lead. Closed after 5 years of sucking VC out of America.
Caterpillar misses earnings a mere 4 months after outsourcing to India, Inc.
Circuit City - Outsourced all IT to Indian-run IBM and went bankrupt shortly thereafter.
ComAir crew system run by 100% Indian IT workers caused the 12/25/05 U.S. airport shutdown when they used a short int instead of a long int
Computer Associates - Former CEO Sanjay Kumar, an Indian national, sentenced to 12 years in federal prison for accounting fraud.
Deloitte - 2010 - this Indian-packed consulting company is being sued under RICO fraud charges by Marin Country, California for a failed solution.
Dell - call center (closed in India)
Delta call centers (closed in India)
Fannie Mae - Hired large numbers of Indians, had to be bailed out. Indian logic bomb creator found guilty and sent to prison.
GM - Was booming in 2006, signed $300 million outsourcing deal with Wipro that same year, went bankrupt 3 years later
HP - Got out of the PC hardware business in 2011 and can't compete with Apple's tablets. HP was taken over by Indians and Chinese in 2001. So much for 'Asian' talent!
HSBC ATMs (software taken over by Indians, failed in 2006)
Intel Whitefield processor project (cancelled, Indian staff canned)
JetStar Airways computer failure brings down Christchurch airport on 9/17/11. JetStar is owned by Quantas - which is know to have outsourced to India, Inc.
Lehman (Spectramind software bought by Wipro, ruined, trashed by Indian programmers)
Medicare - Defrauded by Indian national doctor Arun Sharma & wife in the U.S.
Microsoft - Employs over 35,000 H-1Bs. Stock used to be $100. Today it's lucky to be over $25. Not to mention that Vista thing.
MIT Media Lab Asia (canceled)
MyNines - A startup founded and run by Indian national Apar Kothari went belly up after throwing millions of America's VC $ down the drain.
PeopleSoft (Taken over by Indians in 2000, collapsed).
PepsiCo - Slides from #1 to #3 during Indian CEO Indra Nooyi' watch.
Polycom - Former senior executive Sunil Bhalla charged with insider trading.
Qantas - See AirBus above
Quark (Alukah Kamar CEO, fired, lost 60% of its customers to Adobe because Indian-written QuarkExpress 6 was a failure)
Rolls Royce (Sent aircraft engine work to India in 2006, engines delayed for Boeing 787, and failed on at least 2 Quantas planes in 2010, cost Rolls $500m).
SAP - Same as Deloitte above in 2010.
Singapore airlines (IT functions taken over in 2009 by TCS, website trashed in August, 2011)
Skype (Madhu Yarlagadda fired)
State of Indiana $867 million FAILED IBM project, IBM being sued
State of Texas failed IBM project.
Sun Micro (Taken over by Indian and Chinese workers in 2001, collapsed, had to be sold off to Oracle).
UK's NHS outsourced numerous jobs including health records to India in mid-2000 resulting in $26 billion over budget.
Union Bank of California - Cancelled Finacle project run by India's InfoSys in 2011.
United - call center (closed in India)
Victorian Order of Nurses, Canada (Payroll system screwed up by SAP/IBM in mid-2011)
Virgin Atlantic (software written in India caused cloud IT failure)
World Bank (Indian fraudsters BANNED for 3 years because they stole data).

I could post the whole list here but I don't want to crash any servers.

Wakjob2Top 10
Some simple facts about highly-skilled workers from the 3rd world. This is not opinion. These are facts.
- The H-1B guest worker visa program was started in 1990 with an annual cap of 65,000 visas.
- The L-1 visa program was started in the 1970s and was designed for intracompany transfers only. It has since been abused to bring in foreign nationals for services companies and then place them at their clients - which is illegal.
- From 1978 to 1998 - including the 90's boom - the demographic in the IT industry was 98% white American males. The U.S. economy was booming in 1998.
- In late 1998, India (and the rest of the world) sat up and took notice of the huge amount of wealth America's tech workers were generating. India decided they wanted to take over what Americans had created and get the $ for themselves. But how? Answer: Public Relations of course! So India's IT lobby, NASSCOM, hired D.C. PR/lobbying firm Hill & Knowlton to plant fake "worker shortage" stories in the U.S. media in 1998. While most Americans were busy enjoying the fruits of their labors, India was plotting how to invade and take over America. This barrage of news alleging a worker shortage story was the vehicle by which India, Inc. convinced America to permit the next step:
- In late 1998 and early 2000, the H-1B visa caps were raised from 65,000 a year to 115,000 per year and 195,00 per year, respectively. Then-president Bill Clinton - not George Bush - signed the increases. Tech workers from India didn't begin arriving in the U.S. in large numbers until late 1998. How could they have created the 90's tech boom when they weren't even here? The tech boom was created by Americans. Now that Americans have been driven out by the imported workers, the Silicon Valley and U.S. economies are a disaster.
- As a result of the 1998 & 2000 increases, 1.1 million foreign guest workers came into the U.S. from October 1998 to October 2003. According to the U.S. Dept. of Labor, 90% of those H-1B visas went to people from India. These people promptly took over America's tech jobs and drove Americans out of them.
- A unknown number more came in during the same time period on the L-1 intracompany transfer visa, which has been heavily abused by Indian outsourcing companies such as Wipro, InfoSys, and Tata. The number of L-1s who came in from 1998-2003 is at least 1 million, maybe 2 million.
- There is no yearly cap on L-1 visas.
- The H-1B visa cap reverted back to 65,000 per year in Oct. 2003. Despite this, over a million foreign guest workers continue to come into the U.S. every single year - even during periods of record unemployment, such as today.
- The U.S. economy went from booming to collapse the same year of the 2nd H-1B increase - proof that the foreign guest workers did not perform as promised.
- In fact, the U.S. economy has been in decline since 2000 or 2001. The government tried to offset the decline by making huge amounts of cheap credit available to make up for lost jobs and lower wages caused by the flood of cheap labor from the developing world. The credit ran out in 2008 and the real economy now is the result.
- There has been no real economic growth in the U.S. since the 2000-2001 collapse.
- Since the millions of guest workers arrived in 1998 and 2000, 14-16 million white collar American jobs have been destroyed. Approximately 1-2 million of those have been offshored - the rest have been destroyed. Promises by guest workers to help the U.S. economy in 1998 have never materialized. The opposite has happened.
- Despite common myths, there is no legal requirement in the H-1B laws which requires an employer to look for and hire an American worker instead of a foreign worker.
- Protections for American workers are provided in Federal law under Title 8, Section 1182, which defines who is an inadmissible alien, but those laws are being ignored and are not enforced.
- Most H-1Bs that enter the U.S. from developing countries such as India and China are not skilled as claimed - they are being trained by Americans when they get here - which makes both the applicant and hiring company guilty of fraud, which is a felony.
- American companies are using the H-1B and other work visa programs as a way to displace and bypass American workers in favor of cheaper foreign labor.
- Most foreign imported workers who come to the U.S. to work on work visas make less than their American counterparts. Companies love imported workers because companies think they increase profits by cutting costs. Cost-cutting is a sign of a company in trouble. In reality, long-term cheaper foreign workers harm American profits because long-term increased profits rely on innovation, not lower costs - and countries like India and China have terrible track records in innovation.

- Due to historical and ideological factors, most of the foreign workers we are brining to the U.S. are deliberately keeping skilled Americans out of the workforce by denying them jobs. The foreign workers claim Americans are too stupid, but Americans created the IT industry. The real reason Americans are being kept out of the workforce is because of racism, hypernationalism, communists in corporations who hate capitalism and hate America, and because of historical resentments by the guest workers themselves. Britain invaded and colonized India 150 years ago. Indians think the evil white man stole all their wealth. Hence Indians think they are entitled to break the law and deny jobs to Americans. It's payback time. Britain colonized China by taking control of Hong Kong from 1898 to 1997. The Opium Wars enslaved China and weakened it. Hence most Chinese resent hate white people. The Chinese are also deeply jealous that the U.S. has far surpassed them in just 250 years and China has been around for 6000 years.
- Both China and India resent America because both countries are communist or socialist and hence the U.S. would not trade with them for 50 years - from the end of World War 2 until globalization began in 1997. Most Chinese and Indians believe that they were kept out of the world economy by America and hence they want to do the same to us. Mexicans hate Americans because NAFTA disrupted the local Mexican economy when it was flooded with American goods by greedy American executives who wanted to find new consumers to sell to.
- Foreign guest workers are conducting a systematic campaign of ethnic cleansing - cleansing Americans from jobs in their own country. The reasons why are covered above.
- China is all about "saving face". America's success makes China look bad. The Chinese are jealous of us. Many imported guest workers from China will deny jobs to brilliant Americans simply because they are Americans - even to the point of making companies fail by staffing them with incompetent foreign guest workers who can't do the jobs. Can't hire Americans you know - that increases the prestige of Americans and decreases the prestige of Chinese. What do they care what they do to Americans? As long as the can fake it long enough to grift out VC-funded companies and send the money home, it's ok - after all, the evil white man oppressed China and hence China is entitled to America's money - even without performing as advertised. The cleanout of American VC-funded tech companies by fraudulent foreign workers is one of the prime causes of both the "credit crisis" (money going overseas when foreign workers send their paychecks home), and high unemployment (foreign workers not doing the jobs, and cusing companies to fail, thus reducing the number of jobs in the economy). It's not just how many people are working that matters, it's who is working. Workers from developing countries not only want our money, they want to see our economy fail - after all, that lowers U.S. prestige in the world and makes the other countries who can't compete look relatively better. If you can't beat your competition, just attack them instead, take their money, but collapse all their companies while you are at it.
- The U.S. currently exports $45 billion a year in wages to India alone and over $70 bllion a year to Mexico. Wonder where the capital in our banks is going? It's not being used to create jobs in America or being spent into the American economy - it's being shipped overseas by guest workers here.
- India wants to be known as the IT capital of the world - despite the fact that India is incapable of creating it own operating system. Name one software application that comes from India. Name one Indian software company anyone has heard of - not services companies like Wipro, Tata, etc - Indian companies that actually produce software they sell - none exist.
- More software comes from Scandanavia than from India.
- The average Indian IQ is 81. The average American IQ is 98. The average Japanese IQ is 107. The average German IQ is 100. Why aren't we importing a million workers a year from Japan and Germany? Why only from 3rd world countries? Answer: people from 3rd world countries are not the best and the brightest - they are the opposite - we are importing them for International Socialism - so that they can enjoy the fruits of the labor of productive countries like the U.S.
- Name one new industry or invention to come out of India or China in 250 years. Auto industry - America. TV & radio industries - America. Aerospace industries - America. Light bulbs, integrated circuits, computers, the internet, software - all of it comes from America, invented and created by Americans. Modern manufacturing, assembly line process - American. Now name one new industry or invention to come from India or China in 250 years - there are none. America doesn't need these workers.
Foreign-born founders and their contributions to America
- There has been much talk recently of the contributions of foreign-born founders to America. While it is true that there are some few rare exceptions, the reality is the vast majority of immigrants are here to take from us and send money home - as well as to acquire skills from Americans so they can be more like us.
- A few immigrants have made contributions to America - many of them from Europe. Many of them over 40 years ago. Einstein and von Braun come to mind. A few others more recently from non-European countries - Vinhod Kosla at Sun, the creator of Hotmail, or Amit Singh. But again, they are the rare exceptions, not the rule. The fact is, a decade of importing millions of foreign workers is not making the U.S. economy grow - it was growing in the 90's - before they got here, not now.
- For every one outstanding immigrant who does contribute, we are bringing in at least 10,000 destructive ones who are only here for our money and jobs. - immigrants who take and destroy as our economy is now proving.
- Let's talk companies and who founded them. As a rationale for why immigrants need to come help America, the immigrants themselves have been telling lies about who founded what companies. Let's set the record straight.
- Intel - Intel was not founded by immigrants. It was founded by 2 Americans - Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore (of Moore's Law fame).
- Yahoo! - Yahoo! was founded by one American - David Filo - and one immigrant - Jerry Yang. But Yang came to the U.S. at age 6 from Taiwan - a developed country. He was raised here and went to school here. He's more American than immigrant.
- Google - Google was founded by one American - Larry Page - and one immigrant - Sergei Brin. But Brin came from Russia, not India or China - and he came here at age 3 and grew up here and was educated here. He's more American than immigrant.
- Microsoft - Founded by two Americans - Bill Gates and Paul Allen.
- Apple - Founded by two Americans - Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. Apple is booming today. Why? Apple CLOSED its R&D in India in 2006 and hires mostly Americans for all of its software development. 0% of Apple's software development is done offshore.
- Sun - Founded by 2 Americans, 1 German, and 1 Indian. Sun's CEO for the 1st 25 years was Scott McNeally - an American. Sun's operating system was architected by another American co-founder - Bill Joy. In 2001 Sun was taken over by legions of foreign guest workers from India and China - and Sun is now losing $150 million a quarter and is being sold off to Oracle to avoid the embarrassment of closing its doors with foreign guest workers running it.
Now let's go down the list of companies damaged or destroyed by foreign imported labor since 1998:
PeopleSoft - Taken over by imported Indian workers in 2000 - had to be sold off to Oracle to avoid embarrassment of closing.
Sun Micro - Dying. See above.
Bell Labs - Taken over by Indian-national Arun Netravalli in 2003. Bell Labs where the transistor, UNIX, and the C programming language were invented is now being turned into a shopping mall.
Quark - Taken over by Indian national Alukah Kamar - who laid off all the American developers and sent the work to India. The products became so bad that 60% of Quark's customer base defected to Adobe InDesign, never to return. Kamar was later fired but not before permanent harm was done to Quark.
Computer Associates' former CEO from India is now serving 12 years in federal prison for fraud.
MIT Media Lab Asia - Closed in 2006 due to faked invoices in India.
Intel Whitefield processor project - this project in India was cancelled when Intel discovered that many of the "engineers" had faked their resumes.
ComAir - ComAir's 100% Indian IT staff caused the nationwide 2005 Christmas day airport shutdown when they used a short int instead of a long int in the crew scheduling software they were working on. So much for the best and the brightest from overseas contributing to the American economy.
Boeing Dreamliner - Boeing's new 787 Dreamliner airplane has been delayed 5 times - in part because of failed software written by India's HCL Technologies - whose CEO once said "American grads are unemployable".
Lehman - This failed Wall St. institution had purchased Wipro's Spectramind software (which they in turn had bought from someone else and messed up) just before it went bankrupt. It also had hired large numbers of India, Inc. workers just before it went under.
Dell - Outsourced a lot of work to India over the past decade. Profits are now down 54%. Michael Dell once said "Stability is more important than growth".
United/Delta - Both companies brought their call centers back to the U.S. from India when they discovered that foreign call centers were harming their business.
HSBC - ATM software was taken over by India, Inc., ATMs began failing in 2006.
AIG - Signed outsourcing deal in 2007 in Europe with Accenture, collapsed in 2009.
Vodaphone - UK's top cell phone vendor has gone into major decline - in part because its CEO from India didn't do the job and walked out with over $41 million in compensation for doing nothing.
World Bank - Indian, Inc. fraudsters including Wipro were BANNED for 3 years because they stole data.
The verdict is in: Whatever else immigrants and foreign-born founders are doing to America, on balance, they are causing net harm to the U.S. economy - harm that is the cause of our current economic problems. No amount of hype, news stories, studies, or commentaries will change the above facts about the effects of foreign guest workers on the U.S. economy.
A huge army of conmen from India numbering into the several millions have spent a decade cleaning out America's economy. America's moronic MBA managers and boomers who know nothing about technology have been conned by this elaborate PR-driven charade and have been duped into throwing Americans who created IT out and replacing them with incompetent conmen. The end result is what you see now: a destroyed American economy and a vast transferrence of America's wealth to India. People like Vivek Fraudwha are India's cheerleaders and keep shouting from the rooftops that this is good for us, but based on the state of the economy, it clearly isn't.
Now you know the exact chronology of what has happened to America's economy and who is responsible. All the fluff you hear on the evening news is just cover or what has really happened: we've been invaded and plundered by foreign interests that's all.
Capital crisis? Nah - remittances. Guest workers send $45 billion year from the U.S. home to India. $70 billion to Mexico. And that's just those 2 countries. The total is in the hundreds of millions. Keep siphoning that money out year after year and it leaves American banks and lands in Indian banks. And we wonder where all the credit has gone - credit is capital sitting in banks. Except that after a decade of this nonsense, it's no longer sitting in U.S. banks where it would have been lent to businesses to create jobs. Duh.
Housing collapse? Subprime crisis? Nah - mortgage-paying Americans no longer having the jobs or incomes to pay their mortgages - because their jobs were taken away from them and given to cheaper imported workers who have no interest in living here, only in working here so they can send our their money home. There were no subprime loans in America's booming economy of 1998. Sure Barney Frank helped contribute, but that's not the prime cause. No jobs, no mortgages. At least not ones Americans can afford. The banks too are complicit in this: they give out too many loans and run the housing values way up in boom times due to excessive demand, then they flood the labor market and collapse the economy by laying everyone off. Homeowners who have been making payments for years lose all that cash, plus the interest, plus the house too - the banks end up with the money and the property. Pretty nice deal - if you're a banker.
Record federal debt? Nah - suplus elimination by the Fed banksters who control us. In 1998 Bill Clinton sequaled "We've cured the business cycle". Greenspan chimed in: "We should use the Federal surplus to pay down the national debt". Uh oh. Red warning alarms going off in every Fed building in the country (and in a lot of castles in Europe and in The City in England too). Surpluses put bankers out of business. A boom like the 90s lets everyone pay cash. No need to borrow much. Bankers don't like that. Hence, since they control our money supply through the Fed (it's illegal for the U.S. government to issue its own money due to The Federal Reserve Act of 1913), something had to be done. But what? First they tried Open Source to try to kill the value of proprietary software. That didn't work - smart companies continued to protect their inventions. The banksters finally figured out the best way to wreck an economy is to flood it with unproductive workers and replace the super-productive ones who are creating the boom. When salaries are high, tax revenues go up too. When salaries are low, tax revenues go down. Hence, to stop a surplus, all one has to do is get rid of the highly-paid workers, and replace the with lower-paid ones. If you can actually destroy the jobs in the processs, you put the brakes on the economy even more. Hence another reason for the flood of IQ81 people from India replacing America's most brilliant American workers whose IQs are in the 140 range.
That did the trick - that and pilling on even more debt through never-ending unecessary wars which cost billions.
So now you know the history of how the American economy was really wrecked - don't let the blow-dried morons on the news fool you.

Wakjob2Top 10
Every immigration wave to the U.S. since 1900 has led to recession or depression. The late 1998-2000 wave was the biggest in U.S. history - bigger than the one from 1906-1920. Historical facts do not lie. Here is the history of immigration and recession to America since 1900:
1906-1920 - Huge wave from Europe - Great Depression in 1929.
1965 - Ted Kennedy's Immigration Reform Act - Big recession 1973-1981
1990 - H-1B started - recession 1991-1993
Oct. 1998 - H-1B caps raised form 65,000 to 115,000 per year - collapse in 2001.
Apri 2000 - H-1B caps raised from 115,000 per year to 195,000 per year - collapse in 2008.
The fake "recovery" in the mid 2000's was no recovery - just cheap Fed credit making up for Americans losing their jobs.
America was built by Americans. Every buildup leads to immigrant takers who come in when times are good, strip the economy, then leave when times are bad - as they are now.
84% of the current U.S. population was born here. Do you seriously expect us to believe that 84% of the natives live off the work of the other 16% immigrants? Come on, stop being either a liar or delusional. Immigration is a disaster for America.
China and India don't have open borders. Did I mention they are booming.
528. Sky for the sacred.
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viernes, 25 de marzo de 2016

lunes, 29 de febrero de 2016






-Yo solo quiero decir, y espero que no encuentres esto muy intrusivo (extraño)

-Te importaría si solo te pregunto, solo para ayudarme a entender mejor…


  1. Siempre comunicarse con una dirección u objetivo en mente.
  2. Primero crear estados de fascinación, conexión, sentimiento y conexión intensa, antes de moverse a la parte sexual.
  3. El propósito de tu comunicación no es darle un entendimiento; el propósito de  tu comunicación es obtener un resultado.(S.S. trbaja al manipular y dirijir el inconsciente y los procesos inconscientes, NO dando una aceptación consciente. Deja de discutir y explicarlo a tus competidores).
  4. Speed Seduction es divertido, es una actitud divertida la del S.S.
  5. Manten tus habilidades en secreto (Cualquier técnica trabaja mejor si es secreta e inesperada, entonces no hay que decir que se conocen estas cosas).
  6. Ser humilde con el conocimiento, y entender como funciona  la mente.
  7. Siempre ir de lo menos intrusivo a lo más intrusivo.
  8. Nunca resistir lo que ofrece una mujer---voltealo y usalo como palanca. Mostraremos como destruir las objeciones de las mujeres, usando este principio.
  9. La diversión está donde está el reto. Lo que no está trabajando es la puerta abierta a nuevos poderes y entendimientos.
  10. La menor atracción inicial que tenga por ti, o lo menos sexual que es una persona, lo mas que debes contar en mojar su cuerpo para que ella te coja. Observa que respuestas estas teniendo y responde de manera acorde.
  11. Usa los ablandadores libremente. Haciendo esto,  podrás introducir los tópicos más salvajes, como las preguntas más intruisivas, y se vera respetable, normal guy, instead of a sex-crazed mind-fucker.


Cuando estoy conociendo a alguien, es importante para mi encontrar que es lo que realmente quieren de su vida. Entonces, si no te importa que pregunte, que es realmente importante para ti de…



Hacerlo hasta que piense que es algo natural el hacerlo

Si la técnica no funciona con algunas mujeres, no es tu culpa:


No puedes obtener pasión de una frigida, fria, apagada pepa.

Te quiero como u pit bull a la hora de ser un maestro en la técnica de Speed Seduction.

Que hace un pit bull, una vez que agarra algo no lo suelta.





A Speed Seducer takes one look, decides to go for it,



The Average Frustated Chump is a sensible economy sedan.  The Speed Seducer in his approach to women and life in general is A NITRO-BURNING FUNNY CAR !!!

Toda experiencia es simplemente una oportunidad de aprender, expandirse y crecer. No hay fallas; solo retroalimentación, solamente hay falla si tu te dejas caer y renuncias!!!


Una de las herramientas básicas para hacer que alguien se mueva en la dirección que uno quiera son los comandos.


Puedes meter el comando Sentirse muy atraido Feel very attracted, You know, some people find, as they listen to someone who’s very fascinating, that they can FEEL VERY ATRACTED, Debbie.”

Aplicando los patrones, las mujeres dirán:

God, I’m really getting hot, but I shouldn’t be Keeling this way. I don’t even know this guy!!!

Crear estados de una intense conexión emocional.

Hacer un pastel, creer que se puede cocinar el pastel

--Alguna vez tu  (Have you ever)

-Ganará a la competencia 9 de 10 veces

-Como es cuando ?   What is it like when?

Cómo es cuando te pones muy caliente??

_Qué pasa cuando te pones muy caliente?

-        Siempre comunicarse con un objetivo en la mente.

-El propósito de la comunicación es obtener un resultado.



-Speed seduction funciona porque es  es oculto e indetectable.

-        No engolozinarse, ser suave, suave, suave siempre

-Siempre ir del menos intrusivo al más intrusivo.

-No resistir lo que ofrece, dar la vuelta y usarlo como una palanca.

-Los retos es donde la diversión está. Lo que no trabaja es la puerta abierta a nueva diversión y poder. Buscar lo que si funciona.

-LA TOTALIDAD ES TODO: el tono de voz (interno y externo) debe ser exacto con las palabras.  Aprender a controlar el trono de voz.!!

-No puedes tenerla a ella en el estado, a menos que tu primero estes en tu estado.

-Cuando tu te pones increíblemente excitada te encuentras obligada a actuar asi??

-Comó sería si??

-Cómo sería si te encontraras con una excitación creciente?

-Una persona puede.

-Una persona puede ponerse increíblemente excitada, hablando con alguien que realmente quiere!

-Si tu fueras a …

-Si tu fueras a ponerte muy excitada…

-Cómo en ti crece mas y mas la excitación.

-        It’s not necessary to..

-No es necesario que…

-No es necesario que disipes cualquier resistencia

-No es necesario para ti, que me encuentres más y más fascinante

-You really shouldn’t…

-        Tu realmente no deberías ….

Otro patrón de negación .

-        Tu realmente no deberías pensar en sexo asombroso…

You might find (yourself)

Tu deberias encontrate

-You might find a picture of you and me being together in a special way pops right into that space in your mind…

-to the point where …

-You might find those pictures start to get bigger and brighter to the point where that arousal just gets UHH – Incredibly intense.

-Invite you to notice…

And I invite you to notice how the deep, rich warmth of my voice is beginning to spread…

-Notice what it’s like…

Very useful for moving people’s internal pictures.

Notice what it’s like as that picture, for whatever mysterious reason, pops itself into that location.

-What Would it feel (be) like if…

What would it feel like if you were to instantaneously find yourself growing very aroused by the sound of someone’s voice?

-As if

I invite you to notice how they have already taken effect it’s as if you already knew all this stuff and you are enabled and empowered now to do it.


All trance words work because they imply a process that takes place outside of conscious awareness or control.

-When something happens instantaneously in a person’s mind, it’s got to come out of an unconscious process.


Again, when you immediately “realize” or “convince yourself” it’s happening out of our control or awareness wich means TRANCE

-find yourself

What does it mean to “find yourself” doing something? That it wasn’t consciously planned or executed!  Wich means TRANCE


Same effect as instantaneously, immediately. It means that the thought comes from another awareness… the unconscious, TRANCE!


Don’t picture yourself having mastered these skills! Picture requires visual internal processing; day dreaming, hallucinating TRANCE!


Suppose you were to master these skills! It means the same thing as “imagine”  TRANCE

-Convince Yourself

Don’t convince yourself to master these skills! In order to convince yourself and access all your internal processes! Very powerful way to induce a TRANCE!


When will you realize you can master these skills?

To realize means to have a thought just suddenly pop up in TRANCE!


To ponder means “think about it”, usually in an altered, day-dream type state. In other words: TRANCE!


For whatever mysterious reason, you might realize suddenly that you can master these skills!

Mysterious has shades of unknown, hidden, unconscious TRANCE!


It’s not important to me that you imagine having mastery of these skills! To imagine requires using you internal processes visually; similar to day dreaming or hallucinating! In other words… TRANCE


As you remember a time when you were an exquisite learner, you can realize how easily you can master these skills. Remember means “go inside” and access internally  TRANCE!


To wonder requires a state of inner focus, awareness, attention …. TRANCE


As you allow yourself to master these skills, won’t it feel great after you’ve accomplished it? To allow something means it will happen without conscious effort; in other words, unconsciously in TRANCE.


Have you ever been curious as to why and when things just happen?

To be curious is to strongly desire to discover what is unknown and making that connection is done in your head.  TRANCE


Just pretend you are getting all the messages in these cards and that these words are becoming an unconscious part of your vocabulary. To pretend you must go inside and construct something new in TRANCE!


It’s only important that you understand what is puzzling only as fast you master all the speed seduction techniques. Understanding requires you to internal process especially if the statement is vague. Ummmmmm, know what I mean. TRANCE.


Have you ever been enchanted by a person, me, I know its happened. To be enchanted you must go inside and enhance those images recalled in euphoria. TRANCE!


It’s as if you awaken feelings long lost to the point where you become totally alive again. What does it mean to awaken something on the inside of your head. TRANCE..

Aplicarlo con las amigas de las amigas tambien, aunque esten federicas, jejeje

Weasel Phrases

1.- When you…  When you feel incredibly turn on do you find yourself compelled to act on it??

2.- What would it be like if…  What would it be like if you were to feel incredibly turned on ?

3.- A person can …  A person can fell incredibly turned on, talking with someone they really, really like!.

4.- If you were to… If you were to feel incredibly turned on, do you think you might feel compelled to act on it?

5.- As you… As you feel incredibly turned on, can you feel how excited you’re getting?


6.- It’s not necessary to…  It’s not necessary to feel incredibly turned on, as you listen carefully to what I say!

7.- You really shouldn’t…  You really shouldn’t feel incredibly turned on !!

8.- You might find … You might find as you find incredibly turned on

9.-To the point where… You might find those pictures start to get bigger and brighter to the point where you feel incredibly turned on!

10.- Invite you to notice … And I invite you to notice, how the warmth of my voice, can allow you to feel incredibly turned on!

11.- How surprised would you be to …  How surprised will you be to find that you can feel incredibly turned on?


Weasel Phrases + Command Verbs + States, Processes or Experiences = Embedded Commands

Example:  What’s  it like when you become incredibly turned on?


I COMMAND YOU to go inside yourself, remember a time when you felt totally fascinated by a man, and then feel that way about me!

Have you ever been totally fascinated with someone?   -> LISTEN CAREFULLY –> PICTURE IT CLEARLY?







There isn’t a Bit of Difference Between Describing and Directing !!!

If you want a woman to get hot and horny:

Ask her, “what’s it like when you’re incredibly attracted to somebody?” and then go on to describe that process and link it to yourself.


We really shouldn’t be doing this!

You’re right. I shouldn’t be pulling up your top. I shouldn’t be sucking on your incredible breasts. And you don’t have to feel the incredibly pleasure you aren’t experience right now!.

You don’t have to imagine yourself six months from now,  already having mastered these patterns, and looking back on today as having been the start of it!


Un tipo grosero dijo:  Can you imagine me going  down on you all  night long, and you getting so hot and turned on that you were beginning for it?

-I mean, can you believe that? Did he actually expect her to picture that all night long, and even become obsessed with those kind of thoughts?

-If you could imagine that feeling, could you feel it right now?


  1. Think of what it is you’d like  to say to a woman, but couldn’t say to her directly.

  1. Start off by telling her something like,  “You wouldn’t believe what I hear this person say to someone! He walked right up to her and:

  1. Stick in what it is you’d like to say.

  1. Stick in a command to make her continue to think about it.


Distintas locaciones de la mente para distintas imagenes.



If you get a person in a certain state, and then combine that state with a Couch or a sound, the person’s brain will associate that state with that sound or touch, so later, if you produce that sound or touch, the person will go back into that state.

2 tipos:  Directive Demostration and NonDirective, Conversational

Conversational/Anclaje no directo

1.- Use “have you ever”  or “what’s it like when” or “what’s the feeling of” to get her into the state you want to anchor.

2. Describe the state to intensify her experience.

3. As you finish your description, and her state peaks, reach over and touch her and as you do say, “Can you feel that … (pause) is an incredible experience to have?


  1. Can you remember a time when you were feeling X?
  2. Close you eyes. See what you saw, hear what you heard, feel how it felt.
  3. At peak of her pleasure, reach out and touch.
  4. Repeat 2 times.
  5. Fire off anchor by repeating same touch. Hold it while talking to her, or let it go and refire it later.
  6. Accelerate her state even more using quotes, sub-modalities or describing other people’s experiences.




FLASHCARD 3 --- I have an intuition about you: you really like to be watched, don’t you? –leading into strong sexual feelings---  you know when you feel those eyes on you and it feels like hundred hands touching you…

I have an intuition about you: You’re a very visual person. You MAKE PICTURES IN YOUR MIND VERY VIVIDLY. For example, if I were to say to you… IMAGINE your ideal vacation spot, you could SEE IT VERY CLEARLY, couldn’t you?  (put them in trance) In fact, you ..  I don’t know whether it’s a talent or an habit, but you can be with a man you’re really attracted to, you know someone who makes you FEEL THAT CLICK right … there … and it’s really funny cause on the one hand you FEEL TOTALLY DRAWN TO THIS PERSON so you FEEL ABSOLUTELY SAFE (build a state of comfort). You feel TOPTALLY COMFORTABLE, like you were meant to know them (emotional connection) … and on the other hand you FEEL THAT

EXCITEMENT, those tingly, thrilling feelings right in there as well (body feelings). I think when you MAKE THAT KIND OF CONNECTION, NOW … WITH ME (binding it to you)… as I sense it, that guy can think that you’re listening to him ‘cause you’re looking right at him, but you can be having other.., THOUGHTS… (a state of arousal) by the way, you’re probably not aware, how when you HAVE THOSE THOUGHTS,  how when you WATCH THOSE PICTURES GET BIGGER AND BRIGHTER, how the feelings get much more intense … as you GO MORE INSIDE … (amplifying and deeper trance)

I can tell you’re a woman of great taste … cause you laugh at what I say …

It’s like that voice says, “This is the main chance. What you want is right in front of you. You gotta get some. Go for it” You know, it’s too bad we’ll never get a chance to talk without all these interruption

I have an intuition about you

“what’s that”

I have an intuition that you are very visual

You make pictures in your head very well

In fact you have a talent

Your talent is that you can look right at someone

And they think you’re listening

But you could be making movies in your mind of something you’d rather be doing

“oh my god that’s right, how did you know that?”

You motivate yourself STOP!

And think of something that really motivates you

Something you just can’t wait to do

“her pupils dilated”

Do you see it

It’s a big picture in front of your face isn’t it

And notice as you take the picture and pull it away and make it smaller

Doesn’t it seem less motivating?

“oh my god yes it does”

But then there’s like a blank spot that wants to be filled in

So notice what it’s like as an image of you and I laughing over a cup of coffee

Just sticks itself and locks itself right in there

Doesn’t it make it seem like something you want to do

“laughing” “My god I know you just shoved it in there, but it’s working anyway”

People are hypnosis machines

People are used to content and because of that they resist it

People are not used to having the direction and the process of their mind directed and controlled they’re not used to that

They don’t resist it

Direct the process of their mind so they are ready for any content that you want to give them

There are varying degrees of suggestibility

Some people are more suggestible than others

Some people have more barriers than others

Dating is for women who you’re already sleeping with, dating is not the vehicle that you use to seduce a woman

However you can do it, create states of powerful emotional connection before moving on to sexual arousal

Skill 1

The ability to observe and see what response you’re getting

Skill 2

The flexibility to change to something else if aren’t getting the response you want

Skill 3

Is the ability to be patient and learn from trial and error

If something isn’t working congratulate yourself you are about to find what does

No failures just learnings

The minute you see a negative response,  back up and do something else

The more intelligent the woman is the better it works

Find an intelligent woman

Smarter is always better

Power Attitude #1: Being with you is the absolute best possible choice that any woman can make.

Power Attitude #2: I never get rejected, I only discover whether a woman has good taste. 

Power Attitude #3: You never know what kind of physical type a woman goes for.  So you go for it powerfully and congruently.

Power Attitude #4: Never attach excess meaning to whether you get accepted or rejected. 

Power Principle #5: If a woman wants you a little bit, she’ll want you a lot more if she has to work to get you. 

.  The ability to walk away from someone who’s wasting your time gives you all that much more confidence to approach someone new.

Use selective reinforcement to your advantage.  Willingness to walk away.  Do it without being punishing or nasty. 

Power Principle #6: It’s okay to be wrong more than you’re right.  You’ll wrong tiny, and be right humongous.


Step 1: get into a relaxed state, take a few deep breaths, close your eyes, good posture, breathing

Step 2: say to yourself on the inside 3 times: “my mind will keep these commands in my memory and make everything necessary for them to happen”

Step 3: say each affirmation 3 times out loud using correct tonality

Step 4: repeat to yourself on the inside 3 times: “these commands are fulfilled.”

Step 5:

Affirmation #1: You are aggressive, direct, and powerful with the women you desire.  You radiate a confidence, self-control and charm that women find irresistibly attractive.

Affirmation #2: Your mind is focused on your final outcome.  You go for what you want congruently and powerfully.

You are so hilarious that the people around you can’t help but laugh until their bellies hurt.  You have an innately hilarious humor that can’t help but shine through when you let it go.

You have such an ability to experience an incredibly intimate rapport with people that they can’t help but feel completely in tune with you and smile until their face hurts.

Affirmation #4: You take immediate advantage of your opportunities with women. You swiftly establish incredible rapport, gather the information that you need, and close with aggression, power, and finesse.

Affirmation #5: You radiate a natural, easy self-acceptance that people find irresistibly attractive.

There are so many opportunities in life that you pursue those that are most in line with your quest for ultimate meaning and fulfillment.  focus on only those that are the absolute best use of your time.

The universe is such an incredibly abundant place that you allow it to move you with a truly joyful, carefree spirit.

, upon discovering a new one,

Affirmation #6: You safeguard your morale and self-esteem at all times. 

You are as a chameleon, with the ability to precisely calibrate yourself to any situation you might find yourself in.

You are becoming so adept at the Jedi skills of life that you have an arsenal of states, attitudes, and behaviors that allow you to effortlessly master any situation you might find yourself in.

Don’t force your behavior to change.  You’ll find yourself just automatically doing the right thing.

Associated State Rehearsal

Step 1: Close eyes and see 40-ft tall powerful super-confident image of myself, leaning back 20 to 30 degrees

Step 2: Turn him around, raise him up, and drop the image onto myself

Step 3: See through my 40-ft tall eyes and hear my thunderous voice

Step 4: See through those eyes a gorgeous girl I’d like to have

Step 5: Over one of her shoulders, see that powerful 40-ft tall you again.  Over the other, play a movie of me and her getting it on like crazy later on in the evening.

Step 6: As you keep seeing all of this, say “Ah, look at that!  I’m going to have her tonight.  Let’s give her a chance to get to know me.”

Step 7: Zoom in on that part of her body I really like, and hear that voice in my mind say “go for it!”

Step 8: Notice how incredibly powerful and motivated I feel.


Cleaning up your past

1)     Think of a recent mistake you made w/ women

2)     Watch the 40-ft tall you in a movie theater watching a small black-and-white movie of making the mistake from beginning to end, he notices where you start making the mistake and can think of how he would’ve done it differently

3)     Back the movie up to an hour before the mistake happened and watch how the 40-ft tall you does it right and it comes out the way you want

4)     Go back to an hour before the first time you ever made the mistake, turn and look towards the present and see the most recent time you’ve done it right because you corrected it

5)     Now from an hour before the first time you ever did it, watch the 40-ft tall you doing it right, with it turning out the way you want

6)     Repeat steps 4 and 5, but with an experience that’s in between the other two – go to an hour before the middle experience, see it right in the past, see it right in the future, and with a sense that you’ve already done it right and will in the future, run through it with it turning out the way you want

7)     In the future, an hour before a time when you’ll be faced with a similar situation, look back on the past 3 times you’ve done it right, turn back to the future, and see it coming out the way you’d want it to.

Flub-ups can be anything, even failing to recognize that the woman was a waste of time.

“Excuse me, but would you ever go out for coffee with a guy you met at a place like this?”

“Well, that depends.”

“Great, well my name is ________.”

“Excuse me, but I’d like to ask you a question – Have you ever felt instantly comfortable talking to someone you’ve just met?”


“Great, well my name is __________.”

“That’s a great dress you’re almost wearing.”

“Ever heard the expression ‘A body that just won’t quit’?  Well yours doesn’t even take a coffee break.”


1st gear: Get them laughing

2nd gear: Get them talking about themselves in a comfortable way

3rd gear: Get them really turned on

4th gear: Close the deal

(laughing) “Has anyone ever told you you’re a shining example of genetic perfection?”

90-10 rule: 90% of your pleasure will come from 10% of the women you approach.

1st step: approach, get her attention, get her laughing

2nd step: introduce yourself

3rd step: get her talking about herself (ie, analyze handwriting)

Then, titillate:  “When you think about how wonderful it feels to be loved by someone you truly care for, doesn’t it make you really want to be with someone special again?” – Gets her to remember a time, she starts to associate it with you.

In the appropriate place.

4th Step: Closing the deal:  “I think you’re a really great lady, and I think you deserve the chance to go out with me and discover how much fun you can have.  Can you be ready Monday night at 8 o’clock…” – making it a positive benefit to her.

(Some don’t want to wait until later…)

How can I enjoy the challenges that living this adventure will give me?