jueves, 14 de julio de 2016

I hate Indian people SOME opinions about Indian People

1) Dirtiest People in the dirtiest nation. If there was a ranking of dirtiest nations, India would take spots from 1 to 10. Visit the nation for proof. Enough said.
2) Most Bureaucratic Nation and also one of the most corrupt.
Try starting up any Businesses there. Good luck with all the bribes you will have to pay and the zillions amount of paperwork to be filled out to get even the simplest permit. Their 'officials' are barely literate and are incapable of even correctly filling out the forms that they themselves mandate. From education to government jobs, nothing is based on genuine merit and achievement but on nepotism and paying bribes.
3) Idiotic people. Low intelligence. Out of a billion people at the most 10, 000 are actually intelligent. These are the ones who make headlines around the world and convey the wrong impression that the rest of the country harbors geniuses. The education system is designed for rote learning. Most of the so called educated cannot come up with an original thought.
No intelligent innovation from this country. The art work is stunted as are the most of their artists.
Their scientists are for the most part not creating anything outstanding. Just holding academic positions for namesake. Even their Space Research Organization is still behind the 60's achievements of the Russians, despite importing all their knowledge and equipment from those Commies.
Their so called 'Intellectuals' are mostly hardcore leftist. Not a surprise because that is what those in the West, who are referred to with the same title, also tend to be. Although it is disastrous enough to be affected by Marxists thinking, what makes it worse is that Indian Intellectuals are actually pathetic mimickers of their Western counterparts. Nothing new in their thoughts to set them apart.
And their movies. Bollywood. Case closed.

Cunning, Scheming, Selfish, Arrogant, Dishonest, Thieving, Shirkers, Herd Mentality, Discriminatory, Rude and Impolite. Which group of people in the world can be described so perfectly with these adjectives except the Indians? I am from the northeast India living in the capital since 1983 and since junior level school days in 1975. I live among them for decades and have seen them at close angles for decades. I know them more than they know themselves. They think too much of themselves without realizing how dumb and dishonest they are. They are immoral in unprinciple group of people whose habit is to lick the boots of people whom they look up to and kick anyone who cannot fight them back. That is the reason why Kashmir, northeast India and tribal states in central India are muffled and murdered silently. Indians are the most beastly people on earth and they will receive their reward from the universal principle of justice. Neither Modi nor Rahul can save them or their make-believe economic growth can save them. It is only a matter of time. Western Imperialism/ colonialism are hated as an economic system at a very broad level. The wretchedness of Indians pertains to their horrendous individual traits and characteristics. They are the silent killers of the world. Only China can teach them a lesson of life for the second time.

They only think of themselves and are inconsiderate to the others around them. Whatever they do is acceptable and whatever the others do isn't. They also have a sense of superiority over everyone for some odd reason. I shouldn't be making judgements from a few minor groups of people but I seriously have to say, that I hate Indians with a strong passion.


Demanding, corrupt, selfish, rude, smelly, conniving, dishonest, sexist, racist, think too highly of themselves. Outright discriminating in all possible ways.
I honestly do not understand why so many Indians think that their English is good. I mean, your accent is bad and difficult to understand and you say that my English is bad?
So many horrible ones come to my country every single day and act like they are the bosses and we owe them our lives. The best thing is they are always saying that things are better in India. Well, things will be better here without you guys!

Indians over confident and idiots nothing of their own just copying west..from bed time stories to bollywood movies everything copied, they even don speak their own native language to their children... How any one so ashamed of their own, can be called good


For about 4 years now, I have been working as a receptionist at an apartment service where most of the inhabitants (and I mean almost without exception) are IT consultants from India. I have during this time come to hate this people whole-heartedly.
They are stupid, refuse/are unable to think for themselves, lie constantly, steal stuff from the rooms, never listen or follow the hotel rules, look down on me because I am a woman, ruin their rooms with their disgusting cooking (you can't imagine how often we need to renovate the apartments) and they are INCREDIBLY stingy and will never pay for anything without a fight, doesn't matter if it's just a phone call for like 50 cents.
They can't raise their children either, the little bastards scream and run around everywhere and don't care if I tell them to calm down in the hotel lobby. It never helps if I talk to the parents either (big surprise right? ), they will just say "yes yes" and then history will repeat itself the next day.
I don't feel like a hotel receptionist, I feel like a preschool teacher surrounded by over 100 retarded adult babies.

Indians make me wanna puke. I can t even list all the bad things about them, I can write a whole book, rude, impolite. They have no respect for human beings.
And yeah you will live the worst experience of your life if you work for an indian employer or they are the supervisor you report to.

2 comentarios:

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