lunes, 29 de febrero de 2016






-Yo solo quiero decir, y espero que no encuentres esto muy intrusivo (extraño)

-Te importaría si solo te pregunto, solo para ayudarme a entender mejor…


  1. Siempre comunicarse con una dirección u objetivo en mente.
  2. Primero crear estados de fascinación, conexión, sentimiento y conexión intensa, antes de moverse a la parte sexual.
  3. El propósito de tu comunicación no es darle un entendimiento; el propósito de  tu comunicación es obtener un resultado.(S.S. trbaja al manipular y dirijir el inconsciente y los procesos inconscientes, NO dando una aceptación consciente. Deja de discutir y explicarlo a tus competidores).
  4. Speed Seduction es divertido, es una actitud divertida la del S.S.
  5. Manten tus habilidades en secreto (Cualquier técnica trabaja mejor si es secreta e inesperada, entonces no hay que decir que se conocen estas cosas).
  6. Ser humilde con el conocimiento, y entender como funciona  la mente.
  7. Siempre ir de lo menos intrusivo a lo más intrusivo.
  8. Nunca resistir lo que ofrece una mujer---voltealo y usalo como palanca. Mostraremos como destruir las objeciones de las mujeres, usando este principio.
  9. La diversión está donde está el reto. Lo que no está trabajando es la puerta abierta a nuevos poderes y entendimientos.
  10. La menor atracción inicial que tenga por ti, o lo menos sexual que es una persona, lo mas que debes contar en mojar su cuerpo para que ella te coja. Observa que respuestas estas teniendo y responde de manera acorde.
  11. Usa los ablandadores libremente. Haciendo esto,  podrás introducir los tópicos más salvajes, como las preguntas más intruisivas, y se vera respetable, normal guy, instead of a sex-crazed mind-fucker.


Cuando estoy conociendo a alguien, es importante para mi encontrar que es lo que realmente quieren de su vida. Entonces, si no te importa que pregunte, que es realmente importante para ti de…



Hacerlo hasta que piense que es algo natural el hacerlo

Si la técnica no funciona con algunas mujeres, no es tu culpa:


No puedes obtener pasión de una frigida, fria, apagada pepa.

Te quiero como u pit bull a la hora de ser un maestro en la técnica de Speed Seduction.

Que hace un pit bull, una vez que agarra algo no lo suelta.





A Speed Seducer takes one look, decides to go for it,



The Average Frustated Chump is a sensible economy sedan.  The Speed Seducer in his approach to women and life in general is A NITRO-BURNING FUNNY CAR !!!

Toda experiencia es simplemente una oportunidad de aprender, expandirse y crecer. No hay fallas; solo retroalimentación, solamente hay falla si tu te dejas caer y renuncias!!!


Una de las herramientas básicas para hacer que alguien se mueva en la dirección que uno quiera son los comandos.


Puedes meter el comando Sentirse muy atraido Feel very attracted, You know, some people find, as they listen to someone who’s very fascinating, that they can FEEL VERY ATRACTED, Debbie.”

Aplicando los patrones, las mujeres dirán:

God, I’m really getting hot, but I shouldn’t be Keeling this way. I don’t even know this guy!!!

Crear estados de una intense conexión emocional.

Hacer un pastel, creer que se puede cocinar el pastel

--Alguna vez tu  (Have you ever)

-Ganará a la competencia 9 de 10 veces

-Como es cuando ?   What is it like when?

Cómo es cuando te pones muy caliente??

_Qué pasa cuando te pones muy caliente?

-        Siempre comunicarse con un objetivo en la mente.

-El propósito de la comunicación es obtener un resultado.



-Speed seduction funciona porque es  es oculto e indetectable.

-        No engolozinarse, ser suave, suave, suave siempre

-Siempre ir del menos intrusivo al más intrusivo.

-No resistir lo que ofrece, dar la vuelta y usarlo como una palanca.

-Los retos es donde la diversión está. Lo que no trabaja es la puerta abierta a nueva diversión y poder. Buscar lo que si funciona.

-LA TOTALIDAD ES TODO: el tono de voz (interno y externo) debe ser exacto con las palabras.  Aprender a controlar el trono de voz.!!

-No puedes tenerla a ella en el estado, a menos que tu primero estes en tu estado.

-Cuando tu te pones increíblemente excitada te encuentras obligada a actuar asi??

-Comó sería si??

-Cómo sería si te encontraras con una excitación creciente?

-Una persona puede.

-Una persona puede ponerse increíblemente excitada, hablando con alguien que realmente quiere!

-Si tu fueras a …

-Si tu fueras a ponerte muy excitada…

-Cómo en ti crece mas y mas la excitación.

-        It’s not necessary to..

-No es necesario que…

-No es necesario que disipes cualquier resistencia

-No es necesario para ti, que me encuentres más y más fascinante

-You really shouldn’t…

-        Tu realmente no deberías ….

Otro patrón de negación .

-        Tu realmente no deberías pensar en sexo asombroso…

You might find (yourself)

Tu deberias encontrate

-You might find a picture of you and me being together in a special way pops right into that space in your mind…

-to the point where …

-You might find those pictures start to get bigger and brighter to the point where that arousal just gets UHH – Incredibly intense.

-Invite you to notice…

And I invite you to notice how the deep, rich warmth of my voice is beginning to spread…

-Notice what it’s like…

Very useful for moving people’s internal pictures.

Notice what it’s like as that picture, for whatever mysterious reason, pops itself into that location.

-What Would it feel (be) like if…

What would it feel like if you were to instantaneously find yourself growing very aroused by the sound of someone’s voice?

-As if

I invite you to notice how they have already taken effect it’s as if you already knew all this stuff and you are enabled and empowered now to do it.


All trance words work because they imply a process that takes place outside of conscious awareness or control.

-When something happens instantaneously in a person’s mind, it’s got to come out of an unconscious process.


Again, when you immediately “realize” or “convince yourself” it’s happening out of our control or awareness wich means TRANCE

-find yourself

What does it mean to “find yourself” doing something? That it wasn’t consciously planned or executed!  Wich means TRANCE


Same effect as instantaneously, immediately. It means that the thought comes from another awareness… the unconscious, TRANCE!


Don’t picture yourself having mastered these skills! Picture requires visual internal processing; day dreaming, hallucinating TRANCE!


Suppose you were to master these skills! It means the same thing as “imagine”  TRANCE

-Convince Yourself

Don’t convince yourself to master these skills! In order to convince yourself and access all your internal processes! Very powerful way to induce a TRANCE!


When will you realize you can master these skills?

To realize means to have a thought just suddenly pop up in TRANCE!


To ponder means “think about it”, usually in an altered, day-dream type state. In other words: TRANCE!


For whatever mysterious reason, you might realize suddenly that you can master these skills!

Mysterious has shades of unknown, hidden, unconscious TRANCE!


It’s not important to me that you imagine having mastery of these skills! To imagine requires using you internal processes visually; similar to day dreaming or hallucinating! In other words… TRANCE


As you remember a time when you were an exquisite learner, you can realize how easily you can master these skills. Remember means “go inside” and access internally  TRANCE!


To wonder requires a state of inner focus, awareness, attention …. TRANCE


As you allow yourself to master these skills, won’t it feel great after you’ve accomplished it? To allow something means it will happen without conscious effort; in other words, unconsciously in TRANCE.


Have you ever been curious as to why and when things just happen?

To be curious is to strongly desire to discover what is unknown and making that connection is done in your head.  TRANCE


Just pretend you are getting all the messages in these cards and that these words are becoming an unconscious part of your vocabulary. To pretend you must go inside and construct something new in TRANCE!


It’s only important that you understand what is puzzling only as fast you master all the speed seduction techniques. Understanding requires you to internal process especially if the statement is vague. Ummmmmm, know what I mean. TRANCE.


Have you ever been enchanted by a person, me, I know its happened. To be enchanted you must go inside and enhance those images recalled in euphoria. TRANCE!


It’s as if you awaken feelings long lost to the point where you become totally alive again. What does it mean to awaken something on the inside of your head. TRANCE..

Aplicarlo con las amigas de las amigas tambien, aunque esten federicas, jejeje

Weasel Phrases

1.- When you…  When you feel incredibly turn on do you find yourself compelled to act on it??

2.- What would it be like if…  What would it be like if you were to feel incredibly turned on ?

3.- A person can …  A person can fell incredibly turned on, talking with someone they really, really like!.

4.- If you were to… If you were to feel incredibly turned on, do you think you might feel compelled to act on it?

5.- As you… As you feel incredibly turned on, can you feel how excited you’re getting?


6.- It’s not necessary to…  It’s not necessary to feel incredibly turned on, as you listen carefully to what I say!

7.- You really shouldn’t…  You really shouldn’t feel incredibly turned on !!

8.- You might find … You might find as you find incredibly turned on

9.-To the point where… You might find those pictures start to get bigger and brighter to the point where you feel incredibly turned on!

10.- Invite you to notice … And I invite you to notice, how the warmth of my voice, can allow you to feel incredibly turned on!

11.- How surprised would you be to …  How surprised will you be to find that you can feel incredibly turned on?


Weasel Phrases + Command Verbs + States, Processes or Experiences = Embedded Commands

Example:  What’s  it like when you become incredibly turned on?


I COMMAND YOU to go inside yourself, remember a time when you felt totally fascinated by a man, and then feel that way about me!

Have you ever been totally fascinated with someone?   -> LISTEN CAREFULLY –> PICTURE IT CLEARLY?







There isn’t a Bit of Difference Between Describing and Directing !!!

If you want a woman to get hot and horny:

Ask her, “what’s it like when you’re incredibly attracted to somebody?” and then go on to describe that process and link it to yourself.


We really shouldn’t be doing this!

You’re right. I shouldn’t be pulling up your top. I shouldn’t be sucking on your incredible breasts. And you don’t have to feel the incredibly pleasure you aren’t experience right now!.

You don’t have to imagine yourself six months from now,  already having mastered these patterns, and looking back on today as having been the start of it!


Un tipo grosero dijo:  Can you imagine me going  down on you all  night long, and you getting so hot and turned on that you were beginning for it?

-I mean, can you believe that? Did he actually expect her to picture that all night long, and even become obsessed with those kind of thoughts?

-If you could imagine that feeling, could you feel it right now?


  1. Think of what it is you’d like  to say to a woman, but couldn’t say to her directly.

  1. Start off by telling her something like,  “You wouldn’t believe what I hear this person say to someone! He walked right up to her and:

  1. Stick in what it is you’d like to say.

  1. Stick in a command to make her continue to think about it.


Distintas locaciones de la mente para distintas imagenes.



If you get a person in a certain state, and then combine that state with a Couch or a sound, the person’s brain will associate that state with that sound or touch, so later, if you produce that sound or touch, the person will go back into that state.

2 tipos:  Directive Demostration and NonDirective, Conversational

Conversational/Anclaje no directo

1.- Use “have you ever”  or “what’s it like when” or “what’s the feeling of” to get her into the state you want to anchor.

2. Describe the state to intensify her experience.

3. As you finish your description, and her state peaks, reach over and touch her and as you do say, “Can you feel that … (pause) is an incredible experience to have?


  1. Can you remember a time when you were feeling X?
  2. Close you eyes. See what you saw, hear what you heard, feel how it felt.
  3. At peak of her pleasure, reach out and touch.
  4. Repeat 2 times.
  5. Fire off anchor by repeating same touch. Hold it while talking to her, or let it go and refire it later.
  6. Accelerate her state even more using quotes, sub-modalities or describing other people’s experiences.




FLASHCARD 3 --- I have an intuition about you: you really like to be watched, don’t you? –leading into strong sexual feelings---  you know when you feel those eyes on you and it feels like hundred hands touching you…

I have an intuition about you: You’re a very visual person. You MAKE PICTURES IN YOUR MIND VERY VIVIDLY. For example, if I were to say to you… IMAGINE your ideal vacation spot, you could SEE IT VERY CLEARLY, couldn’t you?  (put them in trance) In fact, you ..  I don’t know whether it’s a talent or an habit, but you can be with a man you’re really attracted to, you know someone who makes you FEEL THAT CLICK right … there … and it’s really funny cause on the one hand you FEEL TOTALLY DRAWN TO THIS PERSON so you FEEL ABSOLUTELY SAFE (build a state of comfort). You feel TOPTALLY COMFORTABLE, like you were meant to know them (emotional connection) … and on the other hand you FEEL THAT

EXCITEMENT, those tingly, thrilling feelings right in there as well (body feelings). I think when you MAKE THAT KIND OF CONNECTION, NOW … WITH ME (binding it to you)… as I sense it, that guy can think that you’re listening to him ‘cause you’re looking right at him, but you can be having other.., THOUGHTS… (a state of arousal) by the way, you’re probably not aware, how when you HAVE THOSE THOUGHTS,  how when you WATCH THOSE PICTURES GET BIGGER AND BRIGHTER, how the feelings get much more intense … as you GO MORE INSIDE … (amplifying and deeper trance)

I can tell you’re a woman of great taste … cause you laugh at what I say …

It’s like that voice says, “This is the main chance. What you want is right in front of you. You gotta get some. Go for it” You know, it’s too bad we’ll never get a chance to talk without all these interruption

I have an intuition about you

“what’s that”

I have an intuition that you are very visual

You make pictures in your head very well

In fact you have a talent

Your talent is that you can look right at someone

And they think you’re listening

But you could be making movies in your mind of something you’d rather be doing

“oh my god that’s right, how did you know that?”

You motivate yourself STOP!

And think of something that really motivates you

Something you just can’t wait to do

“her pupils dilated”

Do you see it

It’s a big picture in front of your face isn’t it

And notice as you take the picture and pull it away and make it smaller

Doesn’t it seem less motivating?

“oh my god yes it does”

But then there’s like a blank spot that wants to be filled in

So notice what it’s like as an image of you and I laughing over a cup of coffee

Just sticks itself and locks itself right in there

Doesn’t it make it seem like something you want to do

“laughing” “My god I know you just shoved it in there, but it’s working anyway”

People are hypnosis machines

People are used to content and because of that they resist it

People are not used to having the direction and the process of their mind directed and controlled they’re not used to that

They don’t resist it

Direct the process of their mind so they are ready for any content that you want to give them

There are varying degrees of suggestibility

Some people are more suggestible than others

Some people have more barriers than others

Dating is for women who you’re already sleeping with, dating is not the vehicle that you use to seduce a woman

However you can do it, create states of powerful emotional connection before moving on to sexual arousal

Skill 1

The ability to observe and see what response you’re getting

Skill 2

The flexibility to change to something else if aren’t getting the response you want

Skill 3

Is the ability to be patient and learn from trial and error

If something isn’t working congratulate yourself you are about to find what does

No failures just learnings

The minute you see a negative response,  back up and do something else

The more intelligent the woman is the better it works

Find an intelligent woman

Smarter is always better

Power Attitude #1: Being with you is the absolute best possible choice that any woman can make.

Power Attitude #2: I never get rejected, I only discover whether a woman has good taste. 

Power Attitude #3: You never know what kind of physical type a woman goes for.  So you go for it powerfully and congruently.

Power Attitude #4: Never attach excess meaning to whether you get accepted or rejected. 

Power Principle #5: If a woman wants you a little bit, she’ll want you a lot more if she has to work to get you. 

.  The ability to walk away from someone who’s wasting your time gives you all that much more confidence to approach someone new.

Use selective reinforcement to your advantage.  Willingness to walk away.  Do it without being punishing or nasty. 

Power Principle #6: It’s okay to be wrong more than you’re right.  You’ll wrong tiny, and be right humongous.


Step 1: get into a relaxed state, take a few deep breaths, close your eyes, good posture, breathing

Step 2: say to yourself on the inside 3 times: “my mind will keep these commands in my memory and make everything necessary for them to happen”

Step 3: say each affirmation 3 times out loud using correct tonality

Step 4: repeat to yourself on the inside 3 times: “these commands are fulfilled.”

Step 5:

Affirmation #1: You are aggressive, direct, and powerful with the women you desire.  You radiate a confidence, self-control and charm that women find irresistibly attractive.

Affirmation #2: Your mind is focused on your final outcome.  You go for what you want congruently and powerfully.

You are so hilarious that the people around you can’t help but laugh until their bellies hurt.  You have an innately hilarious humor that can’t help but shine through when you let it go.

You have such an ability to experience an incredibly intimate rapport with people that they can’t help but feel completely in tune with you and smile until their face hurts.

Affirmation #4: You take immediate advantage of your opportunities with women. You swiftly establish incredible rapport, gather the information that you need, and close with aggression, power, and finesse.

Affirmation #5: You radiate a natural, easy self-acceptance that people find irresistibly attractive.

There are so many opportunities in life that you pursue those that are most in line with your quest for ultimate meaning and fulfillment.  focus on only those that are the absolute best use of your time.

The universe is such an incredibly abundant place that you allow it to move you with a truly joyful, carefree spirit.

, upon discovering a new one,

Affirmation #6: You safeguard your morale and self-esteem at all times. 

You are as a chameleon, with the ability to precisely calibrate yourself to any situation you might find yourself in.

You are becoming so adept at the Jedi skills of life that you have an arsenal of states, attitudes, and behaviors that allow you to effortlessly master any situation you might find yourself in.

Don’t force your behavior to change.  You’ll find yourself just automatically doing the right thing.

Associated State Rehearsal

Step 1: Close eyes and see 40-ft tall powerful super-confident image of myself, leaning back 20 to 30 degrees

Step 2: Turn him around, raise him up, and drop the image onto myself

Step 3: See through my 40-ft tall eyes and hear my thunderous voice

Step 4: See through those eyes a gorgeous girl I’d like to have

Step 5: Over one of her shoulders, see that powerful 40-ft tall you again.  Over the other, play a movie of me and her getting it on like crazy later on in the evening.

Step 6: As you keep seeing all of this, say “Ah, look at that!  I’m going to have her tonight.  Let’s give her a chance to get to know me.”

Step 7: Zoom in on that part of her body I really like, and hear that voice in my mind say “go for it!”

Step 8: Notice how incredibly powerful and motivated I feel.


Cleaning up your past

1)     Think of a recent mistake you made w/ women

2)     Watch the 40-ft tall you in a movie theater watching a small black-and-white movie of making the mistake from beginning to end, he notices where you start making the mistake and can think of how he would’ve done it differently

3)     Back the movie up to an hour before the mistake happened and watch how the 40-ft tall you does it right and it comes out the way you want

4)     Go back to an hour before the first time you ever made the mistake, turn and look towards the present and see the most recent time you’ve done it right because you corrected it

5)     Now from an hour before the first time you ever did it, watch the 40-ft tall you doing it right, with it turning out the way you want

6)     Repeat steps 4 and 5, but with an experience that’s in between the other two – go to an hour before the middle experience, see it right in the past, see it right in the future, and with a sense that you’ve already done it right and will in the future, run through it with it turning out the way you want

7)     In the future, an hour before a time when you’ll be faced with a similar situation, look back on the past 3 times you’ve done it right, turn back to the future, and see it coming out the way you’d want it to.

Flub-ups can be anything, even failing to recognize that the woman was a waste of time.

“Excuse me, but would you ever go out for coffee with a guy you met at a place like this?”

“Well, that depends.”

“Great, well my name is ________.”

“Excuse me, but I’d like to ask you a question – Have you ever felt instantly comfortable talking to someone you’ve just met?”


“Great, well my name is __________.”

“That’s a great dress you’re almost wearing.”

“Ever heard the expression ‘A body that just won’t quit’?  Well yours doesn’t even take a coffee break.”


1st gear: Get them laughing

2nd gear: Get them talking about themselves in a comfortable way

3rd gear: Get them really turned on

4th gear: Close the deal

(laughing) “Has anyone ever told you you’re a shining example of genetic perfection?”

90-10 rule: 90% of your pleasure will come from 10% of the women you approach.

1st step: approach, get her attention, get her laughing

2nd step: introduce yourself

3rd step: get her talking about herself (ie, analyze handwriting)

Then, titillate:  “When you think about how wonderful it feels to be loved by someone you truly care for, doesn’t it make you really want to be with someone special again?” – Gets her to remember a time, she starts to associate it with you.

In the appropriate place.

4th Step: Closing the deal:  “I think you’re a really great lady, and I think you deserve the chance to go out with me and discover how much fun you can have.  Can you be ready Monday night at 8 o’clock…” – making it a positive benefit to her.

(Some don’t want to wait until later…)

How can I enjoy the challenges that living this adventure will give me?



Todo lo que tengo es mi mente, y nadie puede ver eso.
Terms like AFC, PUA (pickup artist), sarging (pickup women), and HB (hot babe) entered my permanent lexicon.
the social retards go to pickup school.
A man has two primary drives in early adulthood: one toward power, success, and accomplishment; the other toward love,
companionship, and sex.
Half of life then was out of order. To go before them was to stand up as a man
and admit that I was only half a man.

A pickup artist must be the exception to the rule. You must not do what everyone else does. Ever
I need to get what's in my head into yours.
Think of tonight as a video game. It is not real. Every time you do an approach,
you are playing this game.

"All your emotions are going to try to fuck you up", Mystery continued
"they are there to try to confuse you, so know right now that they cannot
be trusted at all. You will feel shy sometimes, and self-conscious, and you
must deal with it like you deal with a pebble in your shoe. It's uncomfortable, but you ignore it.
It's not part of the equation.
And you will have to play the game over and over to learn how to win. So get ready to fail.

FMAC  find, meet, attract, close.
You do not walk up to a girl who's all by herself. That is not the perfect seduction.
Women of beauty are rarely found lone.
After approaching the group, the key is to ignore the woman you desire while winning over her friends
-especially the men and anyone else likely to cockblock.
I don't alienate ugly girls; I don't alienate guys. I only alienate the
girls I want to fuck.
The number one characteristic of an alpha male is the smile.
Smile when you enter a room. As soon sa you walk in a club, the game is on.
And by smiling, you look like you're togheter, you're fun, and you're somebody.
You look average. People think if they look generic, then they can seduce a wide
array of women. Not true. You have to specialize.
If you look average, you're going to get average girls. Your khaki pants are for the office.
They're not for clubs. And your sweater -burn it. You need to be bigger than life.
To atract woman: shiny shirt, a garish hat, and jewerly that lights up in the dark
get rid of the glasses, shape the overgrown goatee, shave the expensively trimmed
tumbleweeds on my head, dress more outrageously, wear a conversation piece, get some
jewerly, get a life.
I have an opener for you to use. An opener is a prepared script used to start a conversation
with a group of  strangers.
-Say this when you see a group with a girl you like.
-Hey, it looks like the party's over here',
Then turn to the girl you want and add,
-If I wasn't gay, you'd be so mine.
Never approach a woman from behind. Always come in from the front, but at a slight angle
so it's not too direct and confrontational.
-Oh my God, Did you see those two girls fighting outside??
pagina 20
Te gustaria besarme??

No, I didn't say you could. It just looked like you had something on your mind.
La chica jugo contigo
So that girl moved away from you when you put your arm around her. And you ran right back to her like a
puppy dog. You should have punished her -turned away and talked to someone else.
Let her work to get your attention back. After that, she made you wait while she talked
to that dork.
What should I have done?
You should have said, I'll let you two be alone' and started to walk away,as if you were giving
her to him -even though you knew she liked you more. You have to act like you are the prize.
I smiled. I think I really understood
Yeah, he said Be the dancing string (La teoria del gato con el resorte, cuando
el resorte se para, el gato pierde el interes).

You're one of us, he said. You're going to be a superstar.

1.- Smile when you walk into a room. See the group with the target and
 follow the three-second rule. Do not hesitate -approach instantly.
2.- Recite a memorized opener, if not two or three in a row.
3.- The opener should open the group, not just the target.
 When talking, ignore the target for the most part.
 If there are men in the group, focus your attention
 on the men.
4.- Neg the target with one of the slew of negs we've come up with. Tell her,
   "It's so cute. Your nose wiggles when you laugh".
 Then get her friends to notice and laugh about it.
5.- Convey personality to the entire group. Do this by using stories, magic,
 anecdotes, and humor. Pay particular attention to the men and the less attractive women.
 During this time, the target will notice that you are the center of attention.
 You may perform various memorized pieces like the photo routine, but only for the obstacles.
6.- Ask the group. So, how does everyone know each other?. If the target is with one
 of the guys, find out how long they've been togheter. If it's a serious relationship,
 eject politely by saying, "Pleasure meeting you."
11. Tell  her, "Beauty is common but what's rare is a great energy and outlook on life. Tell me
 what do you have inside that would make me want to know you as more than a mere
 face in the crowd? If she begins to list qualities, this is a positive IOI.
12.- Stop talking. Does she reinitiate the chat with a question that begins with the word
 So? if she does, you've now seen three IOIs and can..

How cute... your nose wiggles when you talk. Say something again. "smile"
Eww.. you spite on me
You blink a lot
Nice nails... are they real??
Oh... well they look nice anyway.
I like that skirt. Those are really popular
these days.
I like that skirt. I just saw a girl wearing it
a few minutes ago.
Those shoes look really comfortable.
You have beautiful eyes.
Can I touch them?
You kinda have man hands

Pagina 26

a QuALiTy tEaM iN Mx ]=

  [ E-ZiNe ]                                              [ Vol. I ]

         [ASCii/Dr_X]               |::::|    
                                   |::  ::|        
                                  |::    ::|  =[ a QuALiTy tEaM iN Mx ]=
                                 |::      ::|        
                           ||||||::        ::||||||
                          |:::::::          :::::::|
                    """""$$$$$$$$$$"""""          ::|
                        |$$$$$$$$$$.               ::|
                       |:$$$$$$$$$$.                ::|
                      |::$$$$$$$$$$.                 ::|              
                     |:: $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$.     $$$$$$$|             
                    |::  $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$.     $$$$$$$:|            
                   |::   $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$.     $$$$$$$::|           
                  |::    $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$oooooo$$$$$$$.::|          
                 |::ooooo$$$$$$$$$$ooooo $$""""""$$$$$$$. ::|         
                |::  ...............oooo$$$......$$$$$$$.  ::|        
               |::                  $$$$$$$.     $$$$$$$.   ::|       
              |::                   $$$$$$$.     $$$$$$$.    ::|      
             |::                    $$$$$$$.     $$$$$$$.     ::|     
            |::                      .......      .......      ::|    
          $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$[ InsaneHackers Team ]$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$  

                                                   ... La E-ZinE
    [ c0nTenId0 ]
             | 0. Advertencia (Disclaimer).......[IH Team]|
             | 1. NaCimiento De uNa LeYeNDa......[MIBXXX] |
             | 2. Ke eS InsaneHackers............[MIBXXX] |
             | 3. Noticias.......................[MIBXXX] |
             | 4. Ke es un Hacker (o debe ser)...[Dr_X]   |
             | 5. Definicion de un Lamer.........[MIBXXX] |
             | 6. Rincon de Cyberpunk............[narKo]  |
             | 7. Averiguando IPs en el IRC......[CAOS]   |
             | 8. Proximo Numero de IH E-ZiNe....[MIBXXX] |
             | 9. Despedida......................[IH TEAM]|


                    -*- ADVERTENCIA (DISKLAIMER) -*-
    La infromacion contenida dentro de este boletin es reunida con
    fines EXCLUSIVAMENTE educativos, ya ke el uso de esta informa-
    cion puede llevar a actos ilegales en la mayoria de los paises
    los cuales pueden llegar a ser sancionados hasta con la priva-
    cion de tu libertad. Asi es ke ya sabes... estas actuando bajo
    tu propio riesgo, ni los miembros de IH ni los puntos de dis-
    tribucion de esta E-Zine pueden ser considerados responsables
    por lo ke hagas o no con esta informacion. Ya pusimos esto, asi
    ke olvidate de demandarnos en kaso de ke algo salga mal jejeje.


                  |  El nacimiento de una Leyenda  |
                             Por:   MIBXXX

    Probablemente algunos de ustedes ya hayan oido de InsaneHackers,
    pero la mayoria estoy seguro de ke no. Es por esto ke realizamos
    esta E-Zine, pues tiene dos objetivos principalmente. El primero
    es el difundir esa informacion ke al gobierno y a la mayoria de
    las empresas les gustaria ke permaneciera oculta y el segundo, el
    crear otro E-Zine de calidad en Mexico (nuestros colegas de RaZa
    Mexicana tienen o tenian uno pero por diversas razones se ha de-
    tenido el proyecto o al menos eso parece). Asi es ke ya saben, de
    ahora en adelante hay una nueva fuente de informacion "Underground"
    en Latino America y es brindada a ustedes por uno de los teamz
    mas etusiastas y con mas ganas de superarse... InsaneHackers.


                    *     Ke es InsaneHackers?    *
                             Por:    MIBXXX

    InsaneHackers por muy "fanfarron" ke se oiga jejeje no es mas
    ke un grupo de personas de mentalidad abierta, las cuales se
    mantienen en constante evolucion y en una incansable buskeda
    de conocimientos, somos konocidos como la division hack de otro
    team de WaReZ llamado PmX-ELiTE, aunke realmente varios de nues-
    tros miembros no tienen nada ke ver con el WaReZ.
    Kreo tambien importante el aklarar ke IH es un grupo abierto,
    siempre estamos dispuestos a ayudar a akellos ke nos necesiten
    y a ense¤ar a todos akellos interesados en el lado obscuro de
    la red todo lo ke sabemos, pues el conocimiento debe de fluir
    libre y sin censuras, para eso estamos aki...

            ___  _  _____  _  _  _  ______
           /   \/ \/.  __\/ \/ \/ \/   ___\  *N0tiCiaS*
           |    |  |  |-- |  |  |  |      \
           | |     |  |___|        |___    |

       2  de Junio...
            Se Libera oficialmente esta E-Zine... 2/6/00 jojojo

                 +++++++++ Ke Es uN HaCKeR?? +++++++++
                    ++++(o al menos deberia ser)+++
                               By  Dr_X

   El termino "Hacker" surgio hace casi medio siglo en el famoso MIT,
   y se empleaba para describir a un pequeno grupo de "genios" de la
   comuptacion, los cuales ya pensaban de una forma diferente al res-
   to de los usuarios pues ellos preferian accesar directamente al
   ordenador que entregar sus programas a los operadores para que ellos
   regresaran mas tarde los resultados.
   Hoy en dia el termino no ha cambiado tanto como pareceria, pues el
   verdadero HACKER de nuestros tiempos es un experto de los sistemas
   (comunmente domina mas de un sistema operativo y mas de un lenguaje
   de programacion), el cual encuentra dentro de su interminable bus-
   queda de conocimiento el reto de ver y leer aquello que otros se lo
   prohiben, es por eso que irrumpe dentro de los sistemas ajenos, pues
   su deseo maximo es el poder tener acceso al maximo de informacion
   posible. Un HACKER no resulta realmente peligroso para la sociedad,
   por el contrario pues muchas veces al realizar sus entradas o "hacks"
   deja al administrador del sistema "victima" la informacion acerca de
   como pudo entrar y como cerrar estas entradas (obviamente sin dejar
   rastros de su entrada para evitar el ser rastreado). Lo peligroso
   es el CRACKER, al cual definire en aritculos posteriores.

   Hasta aqui por el momento me despido... (esperen saber mas de mi)...
                                        ... |)r >< ...

 Alguna vez nos han dicho asi...
 Alguna vez hemos negado serlo...
 Alguna vez hemos dicho a alguien asi...

           --------[ LaMeRs... La VeRdAdErA HiStOriA ]--------
                             PoR:  MIBXXX

   Lamer es el nombre generico ke se les da a los tontos o dummies
   de la informatica, su significado es tonto o ignorante y casi
   siempre se usa de forma despectiva (cabe aclarar que aquel que
   quiere aprender solo por ese hecho deja de ser ignorante).

   Este termino de empezo a emplear en los tiempos del Z Spectrum,
   un tipo de computadora ya desaparecido, y se les asignaba a todos
   aquellos ke kopiaban el codigo de un programa y lo hacian parecer
   como propio.

   Hoy en dia el termino Lamer es empleado por akellos ke nos move-
   mos en el underground para deskribir a akellas personas ke sienten
   ke por haber leido un E-Zine, haber obtenido algun password para
   algun sitio porno, haber usado algun troyano o simplemente por
   estar dentro de la red de distribucion de WaReZ ya se sienten
   hackers y lo divulgan a los cuatro vientos.

   Kabe aklarar la diferencia entre Lamer y Hacker Wannabe (Wannabe =
   Kiere ser), pues el Wannabe acepta su ignorancia y trata de supe-
   rarse al adkirir mayores konocimientos de kienes el kree se los
   pueden difundir, mientras ke el Lamer PRESUME de ser un hacker
   y en algunos casos hasta trata de humillar a los verdaderos Hackers.

   P.D. :  Si te consideras uno mejor olvidate de esta E-Zine...

                                     /\/\ | |3  >< >< ><


Cultura Cyberpunk parte I
por narko

Este articulo trata sobre toda aquella "subcultura" o "cyber subcultura"
cyberpunk. En primer lugar ¿que significa la palabra cyberpunk?; esta palabra
que muy pocas veces o mal definida, el cyberpunk es akel o akellos  personajes
komo los hackers, crackers phreackers, reavers o todo akel personajes okulto  o
personas ke pelean por un libre flujo de la informacion o personas kon filoso-
fias o komentarios radicales o dinamikos ke piensan 2 veces sus proyectos.

Ya definida esta palabra tambien se debe de tocar otro punto, que es toda
akella y extensa "cultura cyberpunk" al kere definir esta cultura se me
dificulta pensar en todo lo ke konlleva;

Ademas de la definicion anterior tambien la cultura cyberpunk se integra por
musica literatura, arte, entretenimiento, pensamientos, estilo de vestir, etc..
Esta corriente se inicio en los 80 donde ya los jovenes eran mas inkietos y
despiertos tenian ganas de saber mas kerian retos, pero tambien en los 80 nacio
algo para ke la cultura cyberpunk empezara a nacer y esto se dio gracias a una
novela llamada "Neuromancer" o "Neuromante(en español)" escrita por el
novelista William Gibson creando una obra maestra del genero cyberpunk y
proyectando un nuevo mundo ya no tanto material ni superficial.

Muchos piensan ke el inicio de esta fuente de pensamiento fu el filme "sci-fi"
"starwars" a mi opinion esta pelikula solo marko una revolucion cinematografica
pero no influyo tanto hacia un pensamiento cyberpunk anarkista y utopico.
¿Que contenia esta novela para que influyera tanto hacia las masas e influir un
pensamiento mas fututista y post-apokaliptiko?
Esta novela fue un gran paso e impulso porke en ella se plasmaba un pensamiento
tanto anarkista y filosofico tanto  utopico pero a la vez era una realidad mmuy
proxima a la ke ahora la estamos viviendo y creo un nuevo universo un universo
sin explorar un universo virgen llamado "cyber espacio"


     \|/                                                      \|/
     /|\           Averiguando la IP en IRC.                  /|\
     \|/           -------------------------                  \|/
     /|\                                                      /|\
     \|/                     por CAOS  -  Ezkracho Team       \|/
     \|/                                                      \|/
     /|\    mail:                       /|\
     \|/                                                      \|/
     /|\    web:                        /|\

         Este texto esta escrito dentro de los primeros
         "127" caracteres del codigo ASCII para evitar
         posibles errores al visualizarlo; por lo que no
         se usaran acentos y la "enie" se pondra como ~.

   T E M A R I O

0. Introduccion.
1. Resolviendo una IP oculta.
2. Resolviendo un host oculto.
3. Comentario final.

0. Introduccion.

Generalmente los textos sobre los que suelo escribir tratan temas que
llaman mi atencion, por los cuales realizo una exhaustiva investigacion
sobre los mismos y luego escribo lo que aprendi.
Me gusta escribir textos porque una vez escuche algo que es muy cierto,
"cuando uno puede explicarle algo a otra persona es porque realmente
lo entiende", y obviamente no se puede escribir algo sobre lo que no se
tiene idea.
Bueno, este texto no lo escribo porque llame mi atencion o porque quise
aprender a sacar la IP de alguien en el IRC (jeje), la verdad es que me
ganaron por cansancio (como a muchos seguramente) de tanto mandarme
privados preguntandome como se saca la IP de alguien, pues bueno aqui
lo tienen.

1. Resolviendo una IP oculta.

Supongamos que queremos averiguar la direccion IP de "pete" que esta
chateando en el canal #linux de (donde me pueden
encontrar generalmente), lo primero que vamos a hacer es un /who
para intentar ver su IP, osea algo asi:

/who pete
y nos va a aparecer algo muy parecido a esto:
pete ~pete@200.5.120.XXX
#linux   #gay-argentina

Bueno aqui vemos que "pete" tiene la IP 200.5.120.XXX y que tambien le
gusta chatear en canales medio raros...
Nuestro problema esta en los ultimos 3 digitos de la IP que se encuentra
oculta con ".XXX", el procedimiento para develar cualquier "X" que nos
impida ver una IP siempre es el mismo asi que presten atencion:

Ya sabemos que una IP no puede pasar este limite, por lo
cual los ultimos 3 digitos que queremos averiguar va a ser un numero
menor a 255, en sintesis lo que tenemos que hacer es ir probando en cada
"X" con numeros de 0 al 9 hasta encontrar uno que coincida con el nick
"pete" que estamos buscando, lo tenemos que ir averiguando de a una "X"
por vez por lo cual las otras "X" las vamos a remplazar por un signo de
interrogacion "?" y los puntos tambien, seria algo asi:

/who 200?5?120????
Ahora vamos a empezar a probar numeros del 0 al 9 empezando por el ultimo
digito de la IP para ver a cual responde nuestro amigo "pete", osea que
sacamos el "?" y probamos los numeros de esta forma:

/who 200?5?120???0
Puede ser que haya muchas personas que tengan una IP 200.5.120.XX1
parecida a esta por lo que nos puede aparecer algo como esto:

#lesbianas   pijudo    ~pijudo@200.5.120.XX0
#river       enzo      ~enzo@200.5.120.XX0
#trabucos    cris      ~cris@200.5.120.XX0
#matraca     jlopez    ~jlopez@200.5.120.XX0

Vemos que en ningun lado aparece el amigo "pete" y tampoco vemos a
nadie que chatee en el canal #linux o #gay-argentina que frecuenta
"pete", por lo asumimos que la IP de "pete" no lleva un 0 al final
y seguimos probando hasta encontrarlo:

/who 200?5?120???1
Cambiamos el 0 por el 1 y obtenemos esta respuesta:
No such nick or channel
Aqui vemos que en el servidor de IRC en el que estamos no hay nadie
chateando que tenga una IP de este tipo 200.5.120.XX1 por lo que
seguiremos probando:

/who 200?5?120???2
#bar         melchor   ~melchor@200.5.120.XX2
#vampiros    dark      ~dark@200.5.120.XX2

Seguimos sin encontrar al famoso "pete" por lo que seguimos probando
hasta llegar al 9:

/who 200?5?120???9
#solos       nkt       ~nkt@200.5.120.XX9
#river       el10      ~el10@200.5.120.XX9
#linux       pete      ~pete@200.5.120.XX9

Vemos que en la tercera linea hay alguien chateando en #linux y que
efectivamente es "pete", por lo que ya sabemos que su IP termina en
.XX9 y solo nos falta develar dos numeros:

/who 200?5?120??19
No such nick or channel
/who 200?5?120??29
#linux       pete      ~pete@200.5.120.X29
Bueno, aca vemos que la IP de pete termina en .X29 por lo que nos
falta saber solo un numero, pero sabemos que todo el numero no va
a sobrepasar el valor .255 por lo que deducimos que el numero que
falta puede ser un 1 o un 2 ya que no va a ser .029 ni tampoco .929,
asi que probamos:

/who 200?5?120?129
#mandrake       elgarca      ~elgarca@
/who 200?5?120?229
#linux       pete      ~pete@
Y aqui finalmente podemos ver que la IP de "pete" es .

2. Resolviendo un host oculto.

Muchas veces al hacer un /who de alguien se nos puede presentar la
misma informacion que siempre pero en un formato diferente:

/who pete
#linux   #gay-argentina

Como vemos ya no tenemos los numeritos "200.5.120.XXX" y nos aparece
el host por lo que se nos va a complicar un poco mas pero no es nada
Cuando nos aparece algo como esto:
en realidad es algo como esto pero oculto:
puede ser que hayan mas de 10 "X's" segun el ISP, pero el procedimiento
siempre es el mismo, las primeras 4 "X's" corresponden a la palabra
"host" y las siguientes "X's" son los numeros que nosotros debemos
averiguar con el mismo procedimiento de 0 a 9 que vimos antes, pero
ahora vamos a utilizar el comando /dns de esta forma:

#mandrake       elgarca
#solos          nkt
#river          el10

no tenemos exito asi que seguimos probando hasta llegar al 8 donde
si tenemos suerte y nos aparece:

#linux       pete
ya sabemos que el ultimo numero del host es el 8 y seguimos probando
uno a uno hasta encontrar los otros 5 numeros que nos falta ya que
sabemos que lo primeros 4 son de la palabra "host":

#linux       pete
#linux       pete
#linux       pete
#linux       pete
#linux       pete
y en un gran golpe de suerte sacamos todos los numeros sin equivocarnos
en ninguno, por lo que ahora sabemos que el host de pete es
"", y ahora ustedes me diran para que quiero el
host si yo lo que busco es la IP, pero en estos casos primero se busca
el host y luego se lo transforma en IP, de que forma ? con el clasico
y muy conocido PING... osea que en nuestra consola ponemos lo siguiente:

[root@CAOS /]# ping
y cuando empezemos a recibir una respuesta del siguiente tipo sabremos
cual es la IP:

PING ( from :
56(84) bytes of data.

64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=0.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=0.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=0.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=0.1 ms

--- localhost.localdomain ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.1/0.1/0.1 ms

3. Comentario final.

Ya aprendimos como sacar la IP de "pete" en el IRC; creo que
no hace falta decir que eso de entrar al IRC solo para andar
nukeando gente no esta bien visto.
La informacion debe ser de libre acceso para todos y cada uno
debe hacerse responsable de los actos que realize a partir de la
informacion que tiene, osea que cada uno sabra que hace con lo
que sabe.
Por ultimo quiero dejar saludos a toda la gente del canal #linux
de donde paso muchas noches riendome con amigos.

Muchas Gracias a CAOS por este interesante artikulo...

                     | PrOXiMaMeNtE eN IH- E-ZiNe... |

    *** CoMo ApReNdEr a SeR uN HaCKeR ***
    *** InIcIo aL CrACKiNg ***
    *** AnALiSiS dEL ViRuS I-Love-You ***
    *** HiSToRIa DeL PHrEAKiNg ***
    *** MaS dE CuLtUrA CyBeRPuNk ***


   ...*** Despedida ***...
   Bueno amigos hasta aki el primer numero de nuestra E-Zine... creo
   que no esta tan mal para empezar, pero esperamos con el tiempo ser
   cada vez mejores y poder llegar a titular dentro de los primeros
   teamz a nivel mundial...  Hay ke estar pendientes para la proxima
   edicion aproximadamente en los primeros dias del mes de JULIO.

   Espero ke esta informacion les haya sido  util y recuerden...
   No hagan cosas malas ke parezkan buenas (hay ke ser honestos) jejejeje